Diagnosis is the first step in any successful medical treatment. You can’t get better if medical professionals don’t accurately diagnose the condition from which you’re suffering.
That’s why failure to diagnose cases are among the most common that Chicago medical malpractice lawyer Jon Walner handles. While diagnosis is undeniably a complicated endeavor, medical professionals are still expected to meet certain standards of care when diagnosing a patient. Failure to meet those standards puts a patient at risk.
Some conditions which are commonly misdiagnosed include:
- Cancer
- Lyme disease
- Lupus
- Auto-immune disorders
- Multiple sclerosis
- Appendicitis
In many cases, failure to properly diagnose a condition can prove fatal.
Mr. Walner has decades of experience as a failure to diagnose a lawyer. He has an intimate understanding of the medical and legal issues involved, which means he won’t need to “catch-up” on complicated concepts while handling your case.
We understand the standards medical professionals are expected to adhere to, and we’re experienced at holding parties responsible when their failure to live up to those standards results in a tragic missed diagnosis.
If you’re a Chicago, Illinois lawyer in need of an experienced failure to diagnose a lawyer, please call Harvey L. Walner & Associates, Ltd. at (312) 313-2888 for a free consultation or contact us online.