As we get older, we need more attention from our family, whether it is to give us a helping hand around the house or to assist with medical needs. Perhaps, it isn’t possible for all families to be around their elderly loved ones 7 days a week, and so they turn to what they believe are qualified nursing care professionals to provide round-the-clock medical assistance. They think they are entrusting the care of their elderly loved ones to caring professionals at nursing homes, but sometimes, what happens behind the closed doors of a nursing home is far from the gentle care we expect.
Nursing home abuse is prevalent in every state in the United States. There are nearly 2 million elderly people who are living in care facilities, but out of all the care centers that are operating at this very moment, it is estimated that roughly 30% are engaging in some form of abuse or negligent treatment of residents. Whether the care provider fails to provide the elderly resident with their proper medicine, is verbally abusive, or is physically mistreating the resident themselves, nursing home abuse is considered a form of personal injury, and anyone who has been victimized is entitled to seek legal help.
Call our nursing home lawyers and receive a free consultation . Please call or text at (312) 313-2888