The state of Illinois operates what is known as a no-fault workers’ compensation law. This means that you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits even if you were at fault for the accident that hurt you.
What Do I Need to Prove in My Workers’ Comp Case?
Put simply, you don’t need to prove fault to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. All you need to demonstrate is that the accident occurred on the job as part of your duties.
The obvious positive here is that your medical bills will still be covered even if you make a mistake. However, the other side of a no-fault workers’ compensation system is that you cannot pursue a personal injury claim against your employer if it was responsible for your workplace accident.
In some instances, however, you are able to pursue such a claim against a third party if that party was responsible for the accident at your work site.
At Walner Law, our Chicago workers’ compensation attorneys will help you navigate the system, even if your injury was the result of a mistake on your part. And we will help you determine if you have a viable personal injury claim against a third party.
If you’re an Illinois resident in need of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, please contact Walner Law. for a free consultation.